Nothing will help your friend on the mend more than a beautiful bouquet of get-well flowers or a lively green plant. Whether your loved one is ill at home or still stuck in a hospital room, flowers and plants always put people in good spirits, which ultimately will speed the recovery process How can flowers speed up the recovery process you ask? Fresh cut flowers in the environment will help boost energy. Flowers have been scientifically proven to have a positive impact on your well being. Get- well flowers remind us of the loved ones who sent them, that we’re cared for, and give us a great reason to heal faster. Fresh flowers are great, but have you also considered plants? Plants last a long time, even if you don’t have a green thumb. You can send a variety of green plants, that will seriously last forever with very low maintenance. OR a blooming plant that brings color like fresh cut flowers do, but can be longer-lasting for your loved one to take home from their hospital stay. Now what are you waiting for? Let your special someone know you’re thinking of them!

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